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One month at Natterjack already! 

Tom Blog Post Picture
27 August 2024

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already been a month since I joined Natterjack Marketing! My name is Tom, and as the newest Content Creator here, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.

I’ve always been creating content in some form or another. As a child of the noughties, I’ve (for better or worse) grown up alongside social media. From my very first YouTube video as a 10-year-old boy, talking about eating a massive strawberry, to making Vines (yikes, am I old?), to skating videos as a teen, I’ve always been, at my core, a creator. And that’s what led me to Natterjack Marketing!

Before joining Natterjack, I had three years of experience working as a videographer—filming alpacas, of all things! During that time, I gained my skills in video editing, filming techniques, and keeping viewers engaged. I’m excited to bring that knowledge to Natterjack and help us become even more awesome.

My first month here has been a wild ride! I’ve created content for various clients, attended meetings, revamped our newsletter, and even started planning a podcast - more on that later ;) I’ve enjoyed every minute so far at Natterjack; it’s been a learning curve for sure, but I’m looking forward to growing as a creator alongside the fantastic team here!

Speak soon! :) - T

Tom Simmons 
Content Creator
Tom 2024 08 27 124151 hxza

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