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2 min read

winning mentality 

15 August 2024

Well, the Olympics are over, and I have to admit, I’m feeling a bit sad about it, I don’t know what to watch on TV! There’s something magical about watching the world’s best athletes push themselves to the limit, chasing those medals with everything they’ve got. It’s taken me back to my own little slice of athletic glory from back in the day. Believe it or not, I was a double county champion - one of my proudest childhood moments!

I can still remember the adrenaline rush of winning the 80m sprint, then immediately running to the start line for the 75m hurdles and also winning that race. My Mum said my face was a picture after winning both races consecutively, I wish I could see it now. Those wins were incredible, but looking back, it wasn’t just about the medals. Competing taught me so much about commitment, hard work, and the determination you need to succeed.

Watching the Olympians this year brought those memories flooding back. The sheer amount of training they endure is mind-blowing—years of dedication, early mornings, late nights, and pushing through pain and setbacks—all for those few moments of glory on the world stage. It’s no wonder they inspire so many people. In fact, my husband has joked that he is going to make the LA 2028 rowing team! It’s a bit of a stretch, but I love the enthusiasm.

Speaking of enthusiasm, did anyone else catch Snoop Dogg popping up at various Olympic venues? My absolute favourite was when he showed up at the equestrian arena decked out in full horse rider attire! It was equal parts hilarious and iconic. Makes you wonder if we should expect something new from him soon - or maybe he just couldn't resist getting in on the Olympic fun.

Anyway, back to the subject of the blog! What really stands out is just how much of a winning mentality is required—not just to compete, but to keep going when things get tough. The amount of pressure that is put on these athletes both personally and through the media is unbelievable. I am currently watching the Simone Biles documentary, it really brings home what these world class athletes endure both physically and mentally.

The winning mindset is one that stays with you, long after the medals are put away. It’s about knowing that the journey is just as important as the destination, and that every setback is just another opportunity to grow stronger. Whether it’s on the track, in the pool, or just in everyday life, those lessons of perseverance, dedication, and heart are what make the difference.

Who knows, maybe I’ll even take up a new challenge of my own—though I think I’ll leave the rowing to my husband!

On another note, if you haven’t watched the ‘SPRINT’ documentary series on Netflix, it is a must watch. The cameras follow a number of athletes through their training and competitions before the Olympics, it shows the highs, the lows and the hard work that they endure. There are also a few documentaries on there which focus on certain athletes, I am currently watching the Simone Biles one, Eilish McColgan is next on my list!

Rosie Graves 
Client Engagement and Marketing Manager
Rosie Groves blog author

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