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Newbie Alert! 

18 August 2023

Week 4 already? Time has flown by! It seems like yesterday I received a job offer from Natterjack, I cannot tell you how happy I was when I opened that email! I will start off by giving you a bit of background on how I came to know about Natterjack. 

I was at Liverpool John Moores University, not loving my life, to say the least, I knew I wanted a career change. I looked into lots of different possibilities to pave my way into the marketing industry, staying at University, staying in Liverpool, or coming home, and I found the latter was the best option for me. I got in touch with Lindsay and Rosie in late January, looking for some tips and tricks on how to get into the marketing world- very unaware I would be working with them months later! 

Fast forward a couple of months and a role at Natterjack comes up - Junior Content Creator. I was extremely nervous and excited, I still didn't know much about marketing and was scared my in-experience would get in the way! Natterjack has not only opened my eyes to the wide world of marketing, but also the ways of work, and life. As a freshly turned 19-year-old, everything is new to me and everything is a learning curve, however, I feel Natterjack is the best place for me to do that. 

During my first month at Natterjack I have attended events, scheduled posts for clients, visited monthly client meetings, and much more. Although I am still getting to grips with everything to do with marketing, this job has already given me so much confidence, and hopefully, as this grows, so will my capability and ideas! I’m excited to see where I can go with this and hopefully aid Natterjack in growing - big things are coming!

Rosie Graves 
Client Engagement and Marketing Manager
Rosie Groves blog author

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